Vippie! softphone for mobile works both with VoipSwitch & a 3nd party SIP server, Support high rate compression Codecs, SMS, anti-blockage solution and more.
Purchasing the licence for any softphone gives you the opportunity to distribute it to an unlimited number of users who use the same SIP server. Otherwise, you can simply purchase, from our retail shop, one application that gives you the possibility to use any IP/DNS of your choice for that the application is linked to one handset (This option is useful for the PBX users).
Using a Smart-phone is great fun. No matter where you are, as long as you are within reach of the cell phone network you can make and receive calls normally, and if you are within range of a wireless internet connection you can also surf the internet, access your email and read file attachments. However, you can now do much more with Vippie!
Whereas, up until now you have been limited by the range of the cell phone network as to where and when you could make phone calls, today with Vippie! you can also use the internet to make those calls, and you wont have to pay nearly as much for them as when you use your cell phone minutes.
Even if there is a cell phone network signal available, you can choose to use the internet to make those calls, rather than the cell phone signal, thereby avoiding using your cell phone minutes which will cost you a lot more. A softphone, for all that it is quite a pricey piece of electronics, can actually save you money.
Of course, this isnt especially common knowledge yet the cell phone companies want you to use your cell phone minutes, as that is how they make their money, but if you can make your calls for much cheaper using Vippie!, why wouldn’t you? Of course, the benefits of the softphone dont stop at the pricing, although that is a huge benefit. Just think, no matter where you are in the world, you can keep in touch because the internet doesn’t care where you are, whereas the cell phone companies know when you aren’t in your home country and will charge you for calls made and received accordingly.
So, get this. With Vippie! you don’t even need the cell phone network in order to make a call. That’s right! As long as you are within range of a wireless internet connection, you can use the internet to make that call and you can stay in touch for a tiny charge, especially when compared to how much it would cost you to make that call from a beach in Ibiza or wherever you happen to be on your cell phone. Vippie! is truly a godsend to those of us who need to stay in touch whenever, wherever, but who resent paying through the nose for the privilege.
Wait we have more, Vippie! working with VoipSwitch allows you also to send FREE SMS for other Vippie users on the same network and very cheap SMS to any other destination.
There’s no need anymore to carry your PC everywhere, Vippie! with its simple and intuitive interface, gives you cheap calling alternative while you are out on the road.