Authorization and accounting i.e the billing part is fully integrated with the softswitch engine into one application what makes the platform exceptionally efficient as it utilizes internal billing procedures without having to connect to external systems.
Moreover, this approach results in uniform interface that extend the platform functionality by joining accounts billing details with routing and switching settings in comprehensive manner.
The main characteristics of the billing system:
- Pre-paid and post-paid accounts
- Support for monthly plans with free or promotional minutes to certain destinations
- Recurring payments: Monthly, daily or others e.g. monthly payment for DID number, subscription plan, Voicemail to text transcription, E911 etc.
- Managing user accounts, blocking, setting limits
- Automatic accounts (PIN) generator
- Creating and managing rates sheets, attributing rates sheets to individual accounts
- Advanced rating system, defining special rating properties per destination/globally per sheet
- Payments reports
- Alerting procedures on low account balance, alerts sent to customers via email
- Billing for terminators (Cost control)
- Profit reports
- Invoicing – Automatic invoices generation, invoices available to customers through the web interface or sent by email (PDF format)
- Detailed calls history reports, available for customers from the web interface (Excel or TXT format), also can be sent along with invoice in PDF format
- Import/Export accounts from/to Excel or TXT file
- Import/Export rates sheets from/to Excel or TXT file
- All accounts and billing information stored in SQL database
Below are pictures from VoipSwitch web Configuration (VSC):